Cosmetology Program

Capri Beauty College is proud to offer the best and most comprehensive, industry leading, hair and beauty education to our students through Pivot Point training and curriculum. The program comes complete with 12 Pivot Point Cosmetology Fundamental magazine style books, 1 Study Guide and online learning access to Pivot Point LAB.

Cosmo Kit 2016

Pivot Point is a registered service mark and trademark owned by Pivot Point International, Inc.

Basic Cosmetology Course Curriculum

CIP Code: 12.0401 Undergraduate Certificate
Basic Training 150
Practical Chemical Application / Hair Treatment 500
Hair Styling / Hair Dressing 475
Shop Management, Sanitation and Interpersonal Relations 200
Skin 85
Related Electives 35
Nail Technology 55
Total 1,500

Tuition, Fees & Schedules

  • 2025 Cosmetology Tuition, Fees & Start Dates by Location Insert 1A
  • New Lenox Campus

    The New Lenox campus offers a full-time and a full-time/part-time day schedule. Students that attend classes 28/35 hours per week normally complete their coursework in 47 weeks. Students that attend classes 35/22 hours per week normally coursework in 68 weeks.

    Oak Forest Campus

    The Oak Forest campus offers a full-time day schedule, a part-time 4 day schedule and a part-time 3 day schedule. Students that attend classes 30 hours per week normally complete their coursework in 52.5 weeks. Students that attend classes 19.5 hours per week normally complete their coursework in 81 weeks. Students that attend classes 20.5 hours per week normally complete their coursework in 77 weeks.

    Cosmetology Admission Requirements

    1. Have a high school transcript, or its equivalent, showing high school completion from a school recognized by the State’s Board of Education providing secondary education or
    2. Have evidence of completion of home schooling that state law treats as a home or private school.
      If the state issues a credential for home schooling, this credential must be provided or
    3. Have evidence that verification of a foreign student’s high school diploma has been performed by
      an outside agency that is qualified to translate documents into English and confirm the academic
      equivalence to a U.S. high school diploma.
    4. If attending under a training agreement with a government agency, school district, and/or other entity, meet the admission requirements set out in the training agreement and/or applicable state licensing or certification regulations.
    5. Students must be 16 years or older.

    Cosmetology Attendance Requirements

    1. Attendance Minimum is defined as 80%.
    2. Absence must be called in prior to start time.
    3. Tardy is marked seven minutes after scheduled start time. Student is allowed to attend classes with quarter hour adjustment to recorded clock hours.
    4. Late arrival marked 15 minutes after scheduled start time. Student is not allowed to attend classes.
    5. Approved late arrival is allowed on a case-by-case basis with documentation.
    6. The time frame in which a student must complete the program may not be more than 125% of the published length of the program, based on 80% attendance Schedule measured in clock hours completed.
    7. Unexplained absence from school for more than fourteen (14) days shall constitute notice of cancellation. If there is notification of extenuating circumstances. student will be allowed a maximum of 30 days before termination.

    Cosmetology Graduation Requirements

    A student will be considered a candidate for graduation when the following requirements have been met:

    1. Complete 1500 clock hours.
    2. Pass a Freshman Final Written Exam within a minimum score of 75% and pass Freshman Final Practical Exams with a minimum combined score of 75%
    3. Pass an Intermediate Final Written Exam with a minimum score of 75% and pass an Intermediate Final Practical Exams with a minimum combined score of 75%
    4. Pass a Graduate Final Written Exam with a minimum score of 75% and Pass all Graduate Final Practical Exams with a minimum score of 75%
    5. Complete progress sheet requirement with a minimum final score of 85%
    6. Achieve a Level Four on Clinic Totals as published in the Catalog of Policies and Procedures.
    7. Over all GPA 75%
    8. Made satisfactory payment arrangements on any financial obligations to the school.

    Clinic Service Requirements

    Becoming a professional cosmetologist requires customer service. The development of a clientele and the sale of retail products are required of all students enrolled in the basic cosmetology program. Capri Beauty College students will be educated in the art of selling service and products and are expected to establish a client base from existing school clients as well as family and friends. On occasion, students are required to provide a model for class credit and/or competition. Students shall not be compensated, including tips, but instead shall receive credit in hours toward graduation.

    Cosmetology License Renewal

    Cosmetologists licensed in Illinois are required to complete 14 CEU hours every 2 years.

    Net Price Calculator

    Cosmetology Net Price Calculator for New Lenox.

    Cosmetology Net Price Calculator for Oak Forest.

    If you want to become a Hairstylist, Capri Beauty College will inspire you. The staff is helpful and supportive of your dreams and make you feel very welcomed. Mariana Mauricio, Current Student