Capri Beauty College is proud of our quality and committed faculty. The original College founders have been, and continue to be, actively involved in the day-to-day operations since the College was founded in 1960. Over the years we've added many talented individuals to our team, making Capri Beauty College one of Illinois' finest cosmetology colleges.

Faculty & Staff
Executive Staff:
Amy Ruff—Owner, President & Chairman of the Board
Master of Arts Degree/Educational Administration from Loyola University. With Capri Beauty College since 1987. Specializes in Federal Student Aid Administration, Compliance and Department of Education Regulations. Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from St. Mary's College, Notre Dame offers Capri students Counseling Services, faculty evaluations and supervision. Amy also Directs the Teacher Training Program.
Thomas Seil— Owner / Vice-President
Corporate Vice President. Pivot Point Program Educator. Licensed Instructor since 1987. Specializes in Men's Sculpting Techniques, Color Technology/Advanced Theory Instruction. Tom is the acting Director of Capri's newest Campus location in New Lenox, IL.
Tricia Seil—Vice President
Oak Forest Campus Director. Licensed Instructor since 1984. Specializes in Corporate Financing, Compliance, Admissions, Student/faculty evaluations and Curriculum Implementation. Tricia represents Capri in numerous Association Positions such as AACS, NACCAS, & Pivot Point International and acts a liaison for Illinois Legislature.
Joan C. Seil—Board Member
Licensed Instructor since 1967. Specializes in Curriculum Development. Illinois Law and Internship Program.
Dave Ruff—Board Member
MBA Loyola University. Securities Analysis. Dave provides information, security and compliance to Capri Beauty College.
Cosmetology Faculty and Staff:
In addition to our experienced executive staff, Capri Beauty College is supported by a talented cosmetology faculty. Our licensed clinic and theory instructors have a wide range of experiences and specialties to share including instruction in the following:
- International Pivot Point Training
- Women's and Men's Sculpture
- Long-Hair Design
- Color Design
- Ethnic Styling
- Perm Theory
- Skin
- Chemicals and Makeup
- Spa Treatments
- Manicure and Pedicure Procedures
- Salon Success and Management
We also offer our students a wide range of support services including customer service, retail sales, salon internships, special project support, financial aid support, student instructor programs, graduate level programs and continuing education programs for salon professionals.